

3 May, 2024

City abuzz as Games begin

NORTH Queensland’s best will compete for gold in more than 25 different sports as part of the 40th annual North Queensland Games starting today.

By Isaac Colman

City abuzz as Games begin - feature photo

Offering a diverse, unique, and dynamic environment, the North Queensland Games welcomes athletes of all ages, abilities, and skill levels to celebrate and compete in their chosen sports.

Rotated every two years, the games are shared between Cairns, Mackay, and Townsville.

Held over three days until Monday, the games will host more than 3000 athletes in venues across Cairns and surrounding regions.

To celebrate 40 years of sport, exercise and active lifestyle, a free community event will be held as the games are officially opened.

Beginning at Cairns Esplanade’s Western Events Lawn, the community is invited to watch the  march past at 5.30pm today, ending at Fogarty Park to begin the 6pm opening ceremony.

The opening ceremony will include kids’ entertainment, the lighting of the games’ cauldron, and a free family concert with local band Night Shift until 9pm. North Queensland Sports Foundation chairwoman Cr Rhonda Coghlan said she was thrilled to welcome participants in  2024’s North Queensland Games.

“The heart of these games remains the unparalleled sense of community enthusiasm, unity and pride we hold so dear,” she said.

“This is a golden opportunity for competitors to compete in front of a roaring home crowd.

“The NQ Games are more than just a regional competition, they serve as a platform comparable to the state level, giving our regional north Queensland athletes the stage they truly deserve. 

“We’re not only fostering our current athletes but inspiring future generations to reach for the stars” 

“I would like to acknowledge all sporting organisations who are either hosting this year’s competition or who have nominated athletes of all ages and abilities to participate, many who have travelled to be here.

“I would also like to make special thanks to all of the wonderful sports convenors, volunteers and families that have given so much time and effort for this event to be possible.

“As a Cairns resident, I have the privilege to enjoy this beautiful region, the city and surrounds”.


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