29 January, 2025
40th birthday for Probus
THE Innisfail Probus Club celebrates its 40th birthday next month.

A birthday lunch will be held at the Kurrimine Beach Motel on Thursday, February 6.
Club publicity officer Col Ritchie said the club was formed in 1985 and currently had a combined membership in the 90s with monthly meeting attendances averaging 70.
“The club is a not-for-profit social club for semi-retired and retired active members of the Innisfail community,” he said.
“Meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of every month at 9am at the Innisfail RSL Club where dine-outs, trips and activities are arranged and include monthly newsletters, members’ welfare, birthdays and anniversaries, guest speakers, morning teas, raffles and humorous stories.
“If you’re feeling lonely and need social company come and join us. You will be made most welcome.”
At its last meeting in December, nearly 60 members and their guests, 18 from the Ingham club and seven from Mission Beach/El Arish for a total of 98 gathered for Christmas festivities at the Kurrimine Beach Motel.
Visit the club’s Facebook page. For more information contact secretary Marianne on 0429 653 775 or