General News
29 June, 2023
Cardwell’s Bowen Street upgrade design
Cassowary Coast Regional Council is seeking community feedback on the draft plan to upgrade a section of Bowen Street, between Liverpool Street and Dalrymple Street, Cardwell.

Cassowary Coast Regional Councillor Barry Barnes said Bowen Street is a key road in Cardwell and Council wanted to ensure that any future upgrades were supported and influenced by the community.
“During my time as Councillor, residents have raised Bowen Street as a priority for the community and I am pleased that a plan is progressing to address the issues raised.
“Community feedback will help shape the final design. Letters will also be posted to directly impacted properties to encourage local residents to have their say on the proposed design.
“The community can visit Council’s Your Say platform, to view the design and provide feedback online. This can be found by visiting”
Councillor Barnes said currently the road experienced drainage issues during the wet season and required regular maintenance. The proposed plan will widen the road, between Liverpool Street and Dalrymple Street to a consistent 7 metres wide, which will improve road user experience.
“Drainage will be improved with the installation of a roadside drain on the western side of the road and associated underground drainage.”
“Driveway accesses to the residences will be sealed to the property boundary, while amenity will be improved with the planting of street trees, landscaped islands and refurbished line marking.”
The community consultation period is now open and will conclude on 23 August 2023.
After receiving input from the community regarding the proposed plan, Council will proceed to secure funding for the construction phase, using the finalised design. In the draft FY23/24 Council budget*, Council has a proposed budget allocation of $300,000 for preliminary activities, including service relocations. The scope of these works will be aligned to the first major stage of the project between Liverpool and Brasenose Streets.
Council is committed to keeping the community informed during project milestones. Updates will be sent out via email to interested stakeholders throughout the project. To join this mailing list, please visit and provide your contact details or call Council on 1300 763 903.