General News
25 May, 2021
CEO Recruitment progressing
When Cassowary Coast Regional Council CEO James Gott announced last year his plans to retire, Council found itself searching for a new leader.
Cassowary Coast Mayor Mark Nolan recently announced that the search is well underway, though James Gott will remain in his role until a successor is on-board.
Davidson Executive & Boards Pty Ltd was appointed by Council to assist it in the recruitment of its new CEO. A broad advertising and search campaign has concluded with a pleasing number of applications received for the role.
Davidson Recruitment confirmed that the response is reflective of the liveability and opportunity the Cassowary Coast Region has to offer.
Councillor Nolan said a comprehensive process of assessment and interviewing is now being conducted by Davidson Executive and Boards to establish an initial list of candidates for Council to consider for shortlist and then interviews.
“From 28 May, Council will review an initial shortlist of applications and then on 4 June, interviews from the short list of candidates will be conducted.”
“Further pre-employment checks will be conducted by Davidson Executive and Boards after a preferred candidate has been identified by Council following the interview and assessment process. At that point Council will then proceed to discuss an offer with the preferred candidate subject to approval at a meeting of Council. “
“It is a thorough and robust recruitment process and it is critical that we take the appropriate process to find the right candidate who will continue to grow and develop the great work that Mr Gott has undertaken during his time here.
“In the meantime, it is business as usual with our focus on our people and the community.”