Community Events

Cairns is getting a new mental health and wellbeing service!

  31st Oct, 2023 9:30am
  Barlow Park Corporate Room (corner of Scott and Severin streets, Parramatta Park)

Cairns Head to Health is a new service supporting people with their mental health and wellbeing. 

It will offer a safe and welcoming space to talk to someone if you, or someone you care about, are in distress, or need help finding the right mental health support for you. Cairns Head to Health will be a free service, and you will be able to just walk in – no appointment or referral required.

We are holding two community consultation sessions to help us ensure we design the best possible service. 

Cairns community members who have experienced their own mental health or wellbeing challenges, or who have a friend or family member who has experienced mental health or wellbeing challenges, are encouraged to come along and have their say

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Cairns is getting a new mental health and wellbeing service!
