

1 May, 2023

Council welcomes new Reef Guardian school with class visit

LOCAL students at The Rainforest School in Mission Beach recently welcomed Manduburra Traditional Owners to their classroom to share knowledge of the Seagrass Restoration Project, taking place locally at Mourilyan Harbour.

By cairns-local-news-team

Council welcomes new Reef Guardian school with class visit - feature photo

With 20 years of Reef Guardian Schools being celebrated this year, Council is proud to see local schools, like The Rainforest School, actively increasing knowledge on our Region’s waterways and the Reef. 

Students heard from both Manduburra Rangers and Dr Paul York from Aquatic Ecosystem Research (TropWATER) JCU on the valuable role marine grass meadows play as a habitat for marine life and the local recovery project taking place. 

Mourilyan Harbour was highlighted as a prime example of where previously dense and productive seagrasses were lost in 2010 and have failed to return due to their isolation from other seagrass areas. 

The renewal work is being led by James Cook University’s Seagrass Ecology Lab within the Centre for Tropical Water and TropWATER, in partnership with OzFish Unlimited and local Mandubarra Traditional Rangers. 

Councillor Jeff Baines, portfolio holder for Environment said The Rainforest School has been part of the Program for over five years, and it was great for the students to see real life examples of how their focus and learning in the classroom on marine wildlife health and reef ecosystems is being delivered locally. 

“Our Reef Guardian Schools contribute greatly to the protection and resilience of the reef and help educate the wider community about how they can do their bit. 

“The future of these programs is sitting in our local classrooms and, to capture the passion, creativity and interest of young minds, ensures these programs and initiatives continue to flourish,” said Councillor Baines. 

Mandubarra Traditional Rangers would like to acknowledge the Djiru Traditional Owners of the land on which the Rainforest School operates. 

Council thanks all partners involved in the program, for providing education, and strengthening local stewardship of the reef.


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