22 October, 2021
Innisfail Boat Ramp access restricted
CASSOWARY Coast Regional Council is currently undertaking maintenance works at Sewage Pump Station (SPS) 9 located at McGowan Drive, Innisfail from Monday 18 October.

Work will take approximately four weeks to complete, weather permitting, and will involve the installation of a flow meter within the SPS 9 rising main.
The flow meter will be integrated into Council’s Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system to enable real-time monitoring of flows through the pump station and will assist with detecting blockages and pipe failures as they occur.
The monitoring will also allow the benchmarking of any sewer rehabilitation works that will take place within the catchment.
During the upgrades, the western access road to the Innisfail Boat Ramp will be closed.
The eastern access road will still be open for the community to use. There will be no change to the area used for car and trailer parking. During construction traffic control signage will be in place to direct traffic to eastern access.