16 May, 2022
Stronger Bones for Life
MYTH BUSTING! One of the common points of confusion for our clients is between the terms Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis. Here’s the difference!
Simply put, Osteoporosis (or its precursor, Osteopenia, refers to having less bone density, or strength in your bones). There are many reasons why some people are more likely to get Osteoporosis, including genetic factors, but there are several factors which YOU can modify: DIET & EXERCISE.
Swimming, much as we love it, won’t help you to build bone strength- you NEED weight bearing exercise for that! And another common myth- yes, men also get Osteoporosis!
Osteoarthritis on the other hand, refers to age-related changes in the joints themselves. The cartilage, or bony covering, may become rougher, there may be less space between the bones of the joint and the joint may become inflamed or swollen at times.
It’s worth noting that Osteoarthritis doesn’t always need to mean you’ll experience pain (there are many many studies which show signs of Osteoathritis on XRays or other scans, in people who have full function and rarely get pain) and it certainly doesn’t mean you can’t exercise or enjoy your life (In fact, exercise is like taking your car out for a spin regularly! Very important to keep everything moving!). Osteoarthritis is also not to be confused with many of the other forms of arthritis, such as Rheumatoid, Septic, etc, which can often lead to more severe pain and dysfunction.
Decrease pain and decrease reliance on pain medications by more than 35%! Find out more or contact us to sign up for our GLAD or PNERO classes We’re releasing an online hip/ knee arthritis program very soon too, on our classes section.
Wellness Embodied Phone 4231 9777