

25 December, 2024

Dangerous to play in any drain

CHILDREN are being urged to ‘Use your brain, don’t play in pipes and drains’.

Dangerous to play in any drain - feature photo

That’s the message to youngsters as wet season rain starts to hit the region.

Cairns Regional Council’s local disaster coordinator Rhys Newton said stormwater  drains were dangerous to play in or walk through, especially those underground.

“The danger of drowning or injury is even greater during the wet season,” he said.

“Residents, especially children, playing in or near flood waters can be quickly swept away, be injured by debris or drown if they become trapped.”

Mr Newton said that what could seem as a little fun, could unfortunately end in injury or drowning.

“Playing in or near stormwater drains can end in tragedy,” he said.

“Parents and carers need to talk to their children about the dangers of playing in drains and flood waters.

“Rapidly rising creeks and drains can carry debris, which can cause injury or knock a person unconscious. 

“Drains often have grates at the end and hitting one can again cause injury, knock a person unconscious, or you can get stuck.”


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