

8 November, 2023

Disaster ready - dress rehearsal for cyclone shelter

The Port Douglas Storm Tide Cyclone Shelter has hosted more basketball games than distressed residents in the past decade but a respite in dangerous weather events hasn’t stopped authorities preparing for future disasters.

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services Justin Smith at Operation Eon – an emergency dress rehearsal at the Port Douglas Storm Tide Cyclone Shelter.
Queensland Fire and Emergency Services Justin Smith at Operation Eon – an emergency dress rehearsal at the Port Douglas Storm Tide Cyclone Shelter.

Douglas Shire Council’s Disaster Management Team and emergency service leaders took part in Operation Eon last month – an emergency dress rehearsal for the multi-purpose community venue ahead of the next cyclone.

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services Emergency Management Coordinator Justin Smith said there was more to the shelter than just opening the front doors.          

“It’s a valuable exercise which makes sure your plans are accurate for the setup and operation of a storm tide cyclone shelter,” he said.

“We need to exercise those plans each year to make sure they’re relevant and they work for the purpose.”


Mr Smith said the shelter was for residents or visitors with no other option during a dangerous weather event.

“This is very much a last resort place for people to go - it’s not a resort by any shape or means,” he said.

“You get 1.2 square meters per person, it’s about preservation of life and it’s really not a nice place. 

“We really promote heavily that people need to have a plan to go to a friend or family’s place outside the hazard zone because you don’t want to have to go to one of these areas.”

Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr said Council was diligent in its planning ahead of every wet season.

“The last time residents were locked down in the Port Douglas Storm Tide Cyclone Shelter was during Cyclone Ita in 2014 but we know weather is unpredictable,” Mayor Kerr said.

“I encourage everyone to prepare their property ahead of the wet season and have relocation plans in place in readiness for cyclones and flooding.”

For more information head to the Douglas Dashboard app.  


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