General News
1 August, 2020
Flying Fox Relocation Extended
Measures used to successfully relocate spectacled flying foxes from roosting at the CBD Library roost will continue for a further two months. Since the first day of its relocation activities, under Federal Government approval, Council has been conducting deterrents, meaning the flying foxes were not able to roost in the trees at this location.

Based on preserving the welfare of the animals and to ensure the long-term success of the program, the Federal Government has approved an extension (until September 31), of Council’s activities, which have to date deterred the spectacled flying foxes from the Cairns City Library.
Deterrent activities will continue at sunrise each morning using the same low impacts deterrent methods, and daily monitoring and reporting will continue as a condition of the licence.
Whilst conducting deterrents, residents may see flying foxes overhead – this is expected.
Residents are reminded not to harass bats with noise or threatening behaviour as they fly-over as this could be harmful to both you or the bats, and it is illegal.
If you feel bats are causing problems in your area call Council on 1300 692 247.
If you see a fallen or injured fly foxes, do not touch them. Call Wildlife Carers FNQ on
4281 6869.
For more information on the Spectacled Flying Fox Management Plan go to or the information booklet