
Real Estate

15 April, 2024

Green star homes in demand

ENERGY-efficient features are a priority for buyers and renters of properties, a survey has found.

Buyers are actively looking for energy efficiencies in properties, including solar panels. Picture: iStock
Buyers are actively looking for energy efficiencies in properties, including solar panels. Picture: iStock

REA Group, in partnership with Origin Energy, has published PropTrack Origin Australian Home Energy Report, which drew on the views of over 4500 respondents to the Residential Audience Pulse Survey and information collected from almost 1500 Origin customers to understand the sentiment of Australian renters and buyers towards energy efficiency.

Key findings:

The majority of Residential Audience Pulse Survey respondents (59 per cent) found energy efficiency ratings important when buying, renting, or building a home, to lessen the cost of bills and environmental impact

Amid record high home and rental prices, 77 per cent of buyers and 72 per cent of renters valued energy efficiency ratings for reducing regular energy bills and managing the cost of living

Among renters, smart appliances proved to be a popular option to enhance energy efficiency at minimal expense, with a quarter of renters surveyed by Origin owning a smart appliance

Solar power emerged as a popular strategy for enhancing energy efficiency among renters and buyers, with a resounding 85 per cent of buyers and 67 per cent of renters surveyed expressing a keen interest in the installation of solar panels.

PropTrack senior analyst Karen Dellow said with home prices and median rents growing across the country, adopting energy-efficient features could help Australians reduce their bills amidst an ongoing cost of living crisis.

“Regardless of their home-ownership status, Australians are looking to energy efficiency to help manage the cost of living, with 77 per cent of buyers and 72 per cent of renters considering energy efficiency ratings important in helping to reduce regular energy bills,” she said.

“The range of energy-efficient features available to households across the country can be used to not only save money but add value to homes.” 

Solar power emerged as a clear favourite for buyers, with almost three quarters of survey respondents identifying they would pay more for a home with solar panels.


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