25 March, 2021
Green Waste Review Called
DIVISION 1 Councillor Brett Moller has called for a review of Council’s green waste disposal in order to provide extra assistance for pensioners, people with disability and other vulnerable members of the community.

At this week's Ordinary Meeting, Cr Moller said weather associated with ex-Tropical Cyclone Niran had caused widespread vegetation damage and many people were not in a position to dispose of the resulting excessive green waste.
“The most vulnerable people in our community simply do not have the means or capacity to deal with green waste arising from an extreme weather event,” Cr Moller said.
“One size does not fit all and while those who have ability to deal with the own green waste should do so, there are some residents, particularly the elderly or those with a disability, who are not able to do so.
“They might not have an appropriate vehicle or trailer, or they may be socially isolated and do not have a support network to help them.”
Cr Moller said that while cleaning up after an extreme weather event was costly and often not within Council’s budget, there needed to be flexibility in helping those residents most in need.
“We need some flexibility in how we meet service needs of the vulnerable while remaining mindful or Council’s expenses,” Cr Moller said.
“Our Council teams assisted Ergon Energy in quickly actioning recovery where roads and powerlines were damaged or cut.
“Our teams immediately commenced a general clean-up of footpaths, parks and other Council controlled areas, clearing debris which is still ongoing.”
Council did extend the first of its four annual free green waste disposal periods by two weeks to assist residents in clearing debris.
More than 5300 vehicles were recorded during the initial free green period, with an additional 8233 vehicles visit transfer stations during the clean-up period.
“It shows that generally those residents who were able to, did the right thing in taking responsibility for their own green waste,” Cr Moller said.
“As always, this Council looks for continuous improvement and we must learn lessons from the recent weather event in how we can assist the most vulnerable in our community in disposing of their free waste.”