11 May, 2024
Honours for ‘golden girls’
TWO of the Cairns Choral Society’s most outstanding members have been honoured for their contribution and service to the society during the ‘Songs of Love and Light’ event at Saint Monica’s Cathedral last week.

Presented by the society’s current and former musical directors Joanne Wright and Jan O’Donnell, long-serving members Venera Walsh and Helen Villiers were each awarded a gold medal as a sign of appreciation for their long-standing and continuing contribution to the society.
Society secretary Heather Law said she was thrilled to commemorate the pair.
“To show our appreciation of their years of service, we thought it fitting to have them formally presented here tonight before an audience of our supporters,” she said.
“These gold medals are awarded to members who have – and still are – committed to providing outstanding service to the CCS."
Ms Law said that both women had contributed amazingly to the society for decades.
“Between them, these ladies have been involved in the society for 88 years,” she said.
“Venera is probably well known to many of you.
“You could not have missed her over her 45 years, either singing in the choir, competing at the eisteddfods, particularly in the musical comedy section, performing at concerts, musicals, and more recently as director of Spamalot and Les Misérables. “Helen’s 43 years include choir and stage work, but she has been a major asset behind the scenes.
“Working backstage with wardrobe and props, in theatre testaurant kitchens, and as a long serving committee person, even taking on the roles of vice president and society president.”