General News
21 November, 2024
Ideal place to drive safely
SPRINGMOUNT Raceway west of Mareeba is providing a safe place for young people to learn about cars and become more responsible on the road.

Raceway spokeswoman Lara Wilde said the venue’s operators were calling on the government to support the facility which would provide an opportunity for more young people to learn about cars, learn to drive safely and learn how to undertake mechanical repairs and maintenance.
“It is anticipated that the program will reduce youth crime, hooning and vehicle theft in the region,” she said.
“Motorsports like drag racing are known for their big, loud, fast cars, but for those at the track, the close-knit connection of community is undeniable.
“There are few other sports where you can find grandparents competing against grandchildren on equal footing.
“For many people, motorsport has provided them with an opportunity to enjoy their cars safely and responsibly.
“In 2022, the federal government provided $1.4 million in funding for ‘Project Overhaul’ in Townsville and Mount Isa.
“Project Overhaul helped local youth at risk of committing crimes to break the cycle, giving them experience as a race team mechanic, to learn mechanical skills as part of a real-life motorsport team, including dismantling and rebuilding a race car and kart.
“With new support, the team at Springmount Raceway hope to create a similar project for local youth.”
Ms Wilde said raceway organisers congratulated newly-elected LNP Member for Cook David Kempton, who attended the final race meet of the 2024 season at Springmount Raceway to gain first-hand experience of drag racing in Far North Queensland.
Mr Kempton said he had been personally impacted by youth crime in the region and applauded the efforts of the Springmount Raceway community to provide a solution.
“By working with our youth, we will be able to turn around the lives of kids who are stealing cars and hooning dangerously on our streets,” he said.
Joe Moro from the Moro race team has been involved with Springmount Raceway since it started in 2015.
As a member of the Mareeba Chamber of Commerce, he has seen the impact of the motorsport facility on the local community.
“Springmount Raceway is key to our community, not only for our local businesses, but also for the many families who have grown up at the track and continue to spend their weekends as a part of drag racing,” he said.
“With LNP winning the Queensland election, we hope to see government support for Springmount Raceway and our motorsport community so that we can improve the future of our youth in the region.”