

17 July, 2024

Key changes to Amateurs

THREE key members of a new committee formed to steer Cairns Amateurs in a new direction have stood down as the Cairns Jockey Club (CJC) takes over the event.

By Nick Dalton

Amateurs. Dr Ed Williams (left), son of Amateurs founder Sir Sydney Williams, with steering committee members Rebecca Conlan and chairwoman Jacinta Reddan.
Amateurs. Dr Ed Williams (left), son of Amateurs founder Sir Sydney Williams, with steering committee members Rebecca Conlan and chairwoman Jacinta Reddan.

Steering committee chairwoman Jacinta Reddan, co-deputy chairman Nick Trompf and member Michael Delaney have stepped aside. Ms Reddan said they were stepping back after delivering key elements of the new structure including established a new strategy, marketing plan and commercial support.

She said new branding would also be announced soon and she was ”very excited” about this year’s carnival.

Ms Reddan said having established the new formats, the steering committee believed the jockey club was best placed to deliver the carnival from now on.

The rest of the committee remains – Rowan Giddens, Bart Sinclair, Phil Buckle and Rebecca Conlan – and will continue to support the jockey club as a “truncated committee”.

A Racing Queensland (RQ) spokesman said after the carnival, RQ would consult stakeholders to determine the best long-term governance structure for the Amateurs, including whether to replace the chairman or woman of the steering committee or to look at an alternate model. 

While no decisions had been made, RQ remained committed to the long-term success of the Cairns Amateurs Carnival, he said.

“The Cairns Amateurs steering committee was established to refresh and re-energise the time-honoured carnival,” the spokesman said. 

“In recent months, the steering committee has done just that, successfully developing a new strategic direction, developing a distinct and integrated marketing plan and securing significant commercial support, including the return of CUB as the carnival’s naming rights sponsor.

“With more than 2000 pre-sales for the up-coming race days, this year’s carnival is well positioned to enter its next phase, with a handover to the Cairns Jockey Club to deliver the operational elements of the Amateurs. 

“To ensure the CJC continues to receive appropriate support, a truncated steering committee will continue to assist the club including direct day-to-day support from RQ.

“Having received outstanding support from Cairns Regional Council and TEQ, the ‘ultimate tropical carnival’ is well placed to attract local, intrastate and interstate visitors alike, ensuring this year’s carnival is memorable in more ways than one.” 


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