26 December, 2021
Kyle Will Help You Smile!
THE Tin Shed in Port Douglas is a popular waterfront location for both locals and visitors.
One the most welcoming and energetic members of the team is Kyle Livingston, the General Manager of the Douglas Community and Sports Club.
Apart from Kyle’s desire to be the perfect host, he also has a passion to make a difference in the community and is now putting his energy behind a new initiative supported by the Tin Shed.
As part of Griefline, the Care Call Project is designed to be an outlet for Douglas Shire residents to get things off their chest, including mental health problems, isolation and remoteness.
As an outbound call ‘befriending’ service that provides emotional support to people in the community, Kyle believes this is key for our Region.
The rationale of the Care to Call befriending program is to improve the life quality and satisfaction of people suffering from the absence of emotional support and/or social relationships and to reduce the stigma surrounding loneliness and isolation.
As well as providing a call centre for locals to discuss issues, the centre will actually call you every week for 12 weeks and help you with whatever you need. To maintain caller privacy, call centres will not be located locally.
One great feature of this concept is that people who find the service of benefit will be able to put back and share their experiences by becoming part of a call centre themselves, if they wish.
With great success already achieved in Regional Victoria, Kyle is working to get the ball rolling here and is aiming to make Douglas Shire become the 3rd place in Australia to have this resource.
Kyle currently has the support of both Support Service Centres in Mossman and Port Douglas, plus FNQ family therapy, U3A and more.
He is now looking for some investors to make sure this resource stays in our Region for as long as there is a need, possibly forever.
If you’re keen to help, then Kyle is ready to talk and can be easily contacted at the Tin Shed Port Douglas. May I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and for the final time in 2021… this is Gazza signing out.
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