General News
11 August, 2021
COVID-19 update on Cairns Council services
The following Council facilities and services will reopen following the announcement by the Queensland Government that the 3-day lockdown will end at 4pm today. (Wednesday)

Residents are reminded that while the lockdown will be lifted at 4pm today (Wednesday), there remain a number of restrictions in place, including the mandatory wearing of masks in public, which will be enforced at Council venues and facilities.
Customer Service Centres will re-open from tomorrow under normal times, except for Earlville, which will remain closed. (Note: this will not affect the opening of Earlville Library). The call centre is open, call 1300 69 22 47. You can also report a problem online via our website or using the My Cairns app.
Cairns Libraries will open as below:
Earlville – reopens today at 4pm. (Wed Aug 11)
Manunda – reopens today at 4pm. (Wed Aug 11)
City – reopens today at 4pm. (Wed Aug 11)
Smithfield – reopens today at 4pm. (Wed Aug 11)
Babinda – reopens tomorrow.(Thurs Aug 12)
Edmonton – reopens tomorrow. (Thurs Aug 12)
Gordonvale – reopens tomorrow. (Thurs Aug 12)
Stratford – reopens tomorrow. (Thurs Aug 12)
Library activities: Any scheduled library activities up to and including Sunday 15 August have been cancelled.
Lagoon reopens from 4pm today.
Picnic benches outside of Muddies will be open for use from tomorrow morning.
Barbecues to be turned on from tomorrow.
Barlow Park to re-open to casual users at 4pm.
Pools and recreation centres:
Tobruk, Smithfield and Gordonvale pools to open tomorrow.
Marlin Coast Recreation Centre to re-open tomorrow.
Re-opening of Woree pool and PCYC Edmonton to be confirmed.
Green Space Our Place:
Volunteer programs to recommence tomorrow.
Little Taccas and Stratford Nursery volunteering to remain cancelled this week.
Active Living to remain cancelled for the remainder of the week until Monday.
Other facilities reopening from 4pm today: (Wed Aug 11)
Public barbecues
Fitness equipment
Playgrounds including Muddy’s Playground and the Fun Ship Playground
Basketball and tennis courts
Bump tracks and BMX tracks (within parks)
The Esplanade Activity Precinct (skate plaza, bouldering park, beach volleyball courts, multi-purpose court)
The Lagoon and Council-run swimming pools
Flecker Gardens
Other facilities to open tomorrow:
Arts and cultural venues: Cairns Performing Arts Centre, Tanks Arts Centre, the Court House gallery. Please check for updated show information.
Buy Back Shop
Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre
See Council’s website for more information.
More information
Queensland Health is the lead agency for the COVID-19 response.
Some restrictions will continue to apply until 4pm, Sunday 22 August, including:
Mask wearing at all times (including workplaces) except when eating or drinking, or exercising with your household or one other person.
Schools will reopen, with all staff and high school students wearing masks.
10 people in your home, including people who live there.
20 people at a wedding ceremony or funeral service.
Businesses and venues with one person per four square metres, or 50 percent capacity with seated, ticket allocations.
Community sports and activities are restricted and, in some cases, not permitted.
Avoid travelling outside previously locked down areas.
Visitors allowed to hospitals, aged care and disability accommodation.
Further information on restrictions is available:
You can also contact the Queensland Health COVID-19 hotline on 134 COVID (134 268).