General News
15 July, 2021
The very best meat products in Babinda
“I TELL you the greatest thing about coming to the butcher. You want stir-fry meat, we can go cut it for you, we can cut the specific cut of meat you want.”

Mark Nucifora, who works with his dad, Salvatore ‘Tutti’ Nucifora in the family business at Babinda Meat Market, summed up the main difference between buying from a privately-owned butcher shop and the meat department in a supermarket chain.
And there are other advantages: “You want to know how old the meat is, we can tell you. If you want a steak cut 300 grams, we can do that for you. The supermarket can’t provide over and above the usual product. They can’t provide the service that we as butchers offer.”
From Tutti’s and Mark’s point of view, not having a qualified butcher in a meat department will mean a big difference in service. “They haven’t been in the trade, especially in butcher shops that have been owned by the same person like here in Babinda, for 40 years. They don’t have the knowledge like we do,” Mark said.
“Our products are fresher because they don’t have to travel so far,” Tutti said. “I mean it’s not coming from 2,000 kilometres away. So that’s a good advantage we have as a small business, especially when you process your own cattle and you’re breaking it up from scratch.”
Mark said moving ahead, butchers are more and more having to be innovative in what they are doing. “Like here in Babinda, we’ve got all the stuff you can cook your meat with available in our shop. We even sell ice cream that goes well after your meal, after you have a steak.”
“We’re getting better at supplying, so we become the one-stop shop, we become the place that they come to and get everything they need to prepare a meal basically.”