2 December, 2022
Level One Water Restrictions In Place
LEVEL 1 water restrictions are in force from the 22 November 2022 across the Cassowary Coast region.

Cassowary Coast Regional Council is encouraging the community to be water wise in your home and backyard to help steady intake levels until rainfall arrives.
Residents will be permitted to use sprinklers and irrigation systems three nights a week between 6pm and 8am the next day.
Further to the dry conditions, the Bureau of Meteorology has forecasted continued heatwaves to hit the region over the next week.
Environment Portfolio Holder Jeff Baines said small changes you make in your home and garden can overall assist with conserving water in our water schemes across the region.
“Council is encouraging Cassowary Coast Residents to monitor their water use by following the designated times and days in which you can water.
“Wet weather is predicted as part of the La Nina weather pattern, however until the region receives heavy rainfall, the community needs to be mindful of conserving our precious water and remember, every drop counts.
“Council is allocated a daily amount of water for each creek across the region. As water levels of the creeks declines due to dry weather, it gets more difficult for Council to draw enough water into our networks.
“Through implementing water restrictions, it ensures creeks can continue to flow, and Council can continue to meet the demand required by our region,” said Councillor Baines.
Council has a number of projects within this financial year that will improve water security in the region.
They include:
• Smart Water Meter Program– Replacing aging retail meter fleet with smart water meters
• Hyatt Street Reservoir – renewing aging infrastructure and improve community asset.
• Education & Awareness– Community education and understanding of water security issues.
• CCRC Water Portal – provide public access to the CCRC Water Portal to allow residents to access live smart meter data.
• Water Supply Security Assessment – Partner with State Government to undertake a water supply security assessment of the region’s water supply.
Level 1 water restrictions allow the use of sprinklers and irrigation systems, they must only be used on alternate days, between 6pm and 8am:
• Odd-numbered houses – Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
• Even-numbered houses – Wednesday, Friday and Sunday
• No automated watering on Mondays.
For more information on the current Level 1 water restrictions visit