23 November, 2024
Make it a green Christmas
EDGE HILL’S Flecker Gardens are expecting to see Christmas shoppers make the most on December 1 by offering green gifts for everyone as part of this year’s Friends of the Botanic Gardens’ Cairns annual Christmas plant sale.

Running from 8am to noon, the massive plant sale will take place on the gardens’ Teak Lawn, just inside the main gate of Flecker Garden on Collins Avenue.
With prices ranging from $8, hundreds of plants will be on sale, consisting of a wide selection of trees, shrubs, creepers and climbers.
A wide variety of plants on offer include medinillas, cordylines, begonias, aroids and understory plants, as well as creepers and climbers, jade vines, nepenthes (tropical pitcher plants), Hoya Macgillivrayi, with rhizomes and potted plants of gingers and heliconias also available.
Friends of the Botanic Gardens volunteer Lee Ross said the friends would be on hand to help with any advice.
“We are a volunteer group who have been propagating plants for sale for more than 20 years,” she said.
“All funds raised go towards buying plants and infrastructure, such as seating, to make the gardens an even better attraction for locals and visitors.
“So, get in early and grab all your green gifts for Christmas.”