

2 March, 2022

Mareeba Bowls Club


Mareeba Bowls Club - feature photo

Tuesday February 15th Club Championship Singles: 

First round results: Men: Peter Stevens def Ivan Sayed; Vittorio Tiraboschi def Deryck Harrigan; Ettore Tiraboschi def Elio Crema; Bob Pitson def Peter Soda; Barry Lynne def Rob Brown. 


Joy Dennis def Liz Plowman; Carmel Dezen def Sue Brady; Sue Steffensen def Katherine Wiltshire. 

Wednesday February 16th: Mixed social three bowl pairs: Winners: Sue Brady & Graham Morrow; R/up: Ethel Thompson & Neil Vogler. 

Thursday February 17th: Mixed Jackpot Pairs: Winners: Raewyn Keddie, Norma Gray; R/up: Peter Soda, Lorenzo Cadorin. Best 2nd game Brian Fitzpatrick, Peter Stevens. 

Sunday February 20th: Mixed pairs Winners: Peter Soda & Norma Gray; R/up: Lorenzo Cadorin & Sue Soda. 

Tuesday night barefoot bowls, loads of fun starts 6:00pm. Come and try, club bowls are available for use. 

For nominations ph 4092 5288.


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