

24 July, 2024

Most councils ‘carry burden’

CASSOWARY Coast Mayor Teresa Millwood has told a national conference in Canberra that councils are carrying the burden of providing services which should be funded by state and federal governments.

By Nick Dalton

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Mayor Teresa Millwood.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Mayor Teresa Millwood.

She told 700 delegates at the 2024 National General Assembly of Local Government that her council had been forced to fund primary health, as well as providing security measures, shelters and safe places.

“I feel the state and federal governments need to come to the party and recognise the importance of local government and make sure we are at the table when decisions are being made,” she said.

“We are the foot soldiers of government who deal with the everyday pain.

“A prime example of cost shifting in the Cassowary Coast, and I have to say One Coast Cassowary Coast, has been primary health.

“Primary health is an initiative our council chose to support given the lack of services provided by federal funding. 

“Market failure has seen the need for local government to step up and fill the gap along with NQPHN (North Queensland Primary Health Network) and the thin market funding which has been very drawn out. 

“This has seen our council contributing to a lease on a commercial facility to provide critical health care services (at Mission Beach).

“This was supported with a motion at the LGAQ conference in October 2022. In May 2023 the Better Health NQ Alliance proposal was taken to the Health Minster and Department of Health executives.

“We are now waiting for the execution of the proposed funding which is well outside any other funding model. This also points to our public safety issues with a lack of CCTV and why are local councils paying for this? Then a lack of police officers, early intervention centres, shelters, just to name a few.

“For local governments to be able to provide liveability for our communities we need to be sustainably funded by the federal government and we need to be able to provide a safe living space for our communities.

“In the Cassowary Coast, approximately 46 per cent of our region is state land which we are unable to rate and therefore our rates are exorbitant and our small ratepayer base is suffering the burden.

“How, when councils deliver 33 per cent of services, do we receive so little?

“We are trying to promote our region in order to build our ratepayer base, but people are saying that our region is the most beautiful but so expensive. Catch 22 I say.

“If you want to see thriving rural communities, we need to address the financial pressures that we are experiencing, especially the way we are forced to depreciate our assets.”


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