12 October, 2023
National culinary finalists
IT’S as easy as pie. Hospitality students at St Andrews Catholic College (STACC) are sharpening their knives in preparation to compete against other schools in the finals of the National Secondary Culinary Competition (NSCC) at Melbourne later this month.

Taking place at the Melbourne City Educational Institution on October 21, STACC Year 11 students Annika Reiha and James Ryan, accompanied by college Far North VET trainer or teacher of the year, chef Brandon Felix, are competing in the Australian Culinary Federation’s annual NSCC.
The NSCC aims to encourage young and upcoming chefs to competitively cook for a national title, and the winners get an all-expenses paid trip to Thailand.
STACC is the defending national champions having won the year prior.
The students are given a whole chicken and need to prepare one identical portion of a main dish and will visit the Queen Victoria Markets to shop for fresh produce. It is a one-hour long pressure test with some of Australia's best chefs judging the young cooks.
Mr Felix said the competition would challenge the students' skills, quick-thinking and ability to work as a team in rushed situations they faced with in the kitchen.
“It challenges students by needing to be able to think on the go. Be able to lead and follow as well as working as a team," he said.