24 February, 2023
Navy base open day
THE gates to HMAS Cairns will swing open this Saturday to give the community an insight into the workings of a naval base.

The public is invited to the base in Draper St, Portsmith, from 9am-1pm. It is free but tickets must be obtained through Eventbrite. According to Eventbrite, ticket times were for staggered entry and people also could register at the gate.
A host of activities have been organised, including:
• Tours on Cape Otway and boarding party equipment displays
• Rigid hull inflatable boat and sea boat rides through the basin (see below)
• Armoury tours, weapons display and a boarding party display
• Workshop tours through the Fleet Support Unit – Northeast and laser engraving display
• Sea-Spider static displays
• Two survey craft static displays supported by various hydrographic equipment and imagery
• Clearance diver static display of equipment
• Obstacle course managed and run by the Cairns personal training instructors
• Bandaging/CPR/PPE demonstrations by naval medics
• Sea training group first aid attack races
• Naval communication flag scavenger hunt throughout HMAS Cairns
• Stationary joint military police unit service vehicle tours
• Training ship Endeavour cadet tour and training displays
• Navy Indigenous developmental program and Defence Force recruiting information.
Eventbrite said participants must have enclosed shoes (no thongs), no alcohol was allowed, bags might be searched upon arrival, children must be accompanied/supervised by an adult at all times and there was car parking in Cook Street. There will be toilet access and a cafe will be open.