General News
28 June, 2021
New CEO announced for Cassowary Coast Council
Cassowary Coast Regional Council has appointed Andrew Graffen as the new Chief Executive Officer following an intensive search.

The search is over for the new Cassowary Coast Regional Council's Chief Executive Officer.
Council announced this afternoon that Andrew Graffen, currently serving as Director of Infrastructure with Broome Shire Council has accepted the position as the new CEO for Cassowary Coast Regional Council.
A council spokesperson today said, “Andrew has most recently held an executive role as Director of Infrastructure with the Shire of Broome in Western Australia. Commencing in Local Government a decade ago, Andrew has also filled senior leadership roles in the Tourism, Retail, Hospitality and Aquaculture industries as well as in Emergency Management with St John Ambulance WA.
"Through this broad experience in Local Government, not for profit and the private sector Andrew brings to the Cassowary Coast Regional Council strong leadership, strategic vision and commercial acumen.
"Andrew has a demonstrated ability as an excellent leader able to develop positive culture and performance whilst directing and managing staff across varying disciplines and vast geographical locations.
"Broome has been home for the past 17 years however Andrew and his family are excited to relocate to the Cassowary Coast region. Andrew has fond memories of the region having completed his studies at James Cook University and is looking forward to living in the region and contributing to the communities of the Cassowary Coast."
Mr Graffens' recent achievements at the Shire of Broome with delivery of the $28M Chinatown Revitalisation Project and the $24M upgrade to Broome's Town Beach Precinct. Both projects have received state and national accolades for the outcomes achieved.
"Andrew is passionate about the local government sector as the sphere of government that most closely affects the daily lives of residents. He is looking forward to contributing to delivering on the purpose, vision and strategy of the Cassowary Coast Regional Council, utilising the skills and experience he has developed throughout his career.
"Andrew is committed to listen and understand the community to deliver Council’s vision of One Coast: Cassowary Coast and provide opportunities for residents to live and work whilst ensuring that the region’s assets meet the community’s needs in a sustainable way."
The outgoing CEO, James Gott will finish his employment with Council on September 3, and Andrew Graffen intends to commence as CEO after this date