

12 March, 2023

Noisy flying fox roost driving residents batty

WAYS to safely move a roost of flying foxes at Port Douglas are being investigated by the Douglas Shire Council.

By Nick Dalton


The council is applying for state government funding to act on complaints about the roost as well as develop a long-term flying fox management plan for the region. 

At least six residents of the Lakes Estate have complained to the council about the spectacled flying foxes on the western side of Old Port Road. 

In a council report residents raised issues about the noise of the bats, the risk of disease from bat droppings, the expense of cleaning and running air conditioners 24/7 and the damage to their lifestyles. 

“I can’t sleep because of the noise 24/7,” said one unnamed resident. The mess I have to clean daily. I have to lock myself in my home feeling like a prisoner, still I can hear them,” the resident said. 

“I can’t swim in my pool in fear of catching some horrendous disease. My outdoor furniture is ruined, everything is splattered with their mess. It is affecting my health, sending me mad.” 

Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr said fixing the problem would protect the community and local flying fox populations. 

“I have spoken to many residents who are worried about living so close to flying foxes and asked council to consider safely nudging them back into trees across the road,” he said. 

Cr Kerr said he wanted to create a plan to protect both the bats and residents. 

“Spectacled flying-foxes play a vital role in our eco-system and are efficient pollinators and seed dispersers of native trees,” he said. 

“I would like to see this issue addressed in a sensitive and safe manner under supervision from a trained ecologist ...”


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