

11 October, 2023

Outdoor learning area

WHITFIELD State School students have presented their case for more outdoor learning spaces at the McManus St campus to Cairns Regional Council.

Isabelle Duffy and Marnie Candy helping at the working bee.
Isabelle Duffy and Marnie Candy helping at the working bee.

Three students – Isabelle Duffy, Marnie Candy and Henry Rootsey – involved with the school's Gifted Global Green Program have put together a project called 'Outdoor Learning at Whitfield State School'.

Students  were surveyed about their learning and they rated outdoor learning as a priority.

“In other words, they would prefer to spend some time outside for their lessons so that they could experience being connected to nature,” Master Rootsey told regional councillors.

The school has a rainforest plot which is being developed into an outdoor learning space.

“By the end of 2023, we plan to enhance the plant and animal life in the rainforest plot so that it can become an outdoor learning space for present and future students at Whitfield State School,” Ms Candy said.

The project will focus on good health and wellbeing, quality education, life on land and partnerships for the goals.

Ms Duffy said a working bee was held involving students, staff and family members to clear out any weeds and shape a pathway through the plot.

“We have enjoyed working on this project, and the best part is that we are in year 5, so we still have another year at Whitfield State School to enjoy this outdoor learning space,” she said.

Henry Rootsey gets stuck in.
Henry Rootsey gets stuck in.

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