13 January, 2025
Plan guided by residents
THE community has told Cassowary Coast Regional Council how it wants the region to develop and councillors have listened by adopting a new corporate plan from 2025 to 2030.
The aim is to create:
Healthy communities
Liveable places
Sustainable environments
Thriving economy
Good governance.
According to a council report the plan will guide councillors over the next five years, “helping it focus on what matters most to the community”.
“ … ours is designed to show how we’ll meet the goals and aspirations of our region. It explains what (the) council is planning to do, why we’re doing it and how we’ll use our resources wisely to benefit everyone who calls the Cassowary Coast home,” it said.
To create the plan, the council asked the community for their thoughts through the 2024 Community Scorecard. Over 2400 people shared their ideas through household surveys, workshops and youth forums.
The feedback helped the council understand what was important to locals, shaping the vision, goals and priorities in the corporate plan.
Mayor Teresa Millwood (above) said the plan was a reflection of what “our community told us they value most”.
“It’s about making the Cassowary Coast the best place to live, work, and grow, now and for future generations. By working together, we can achieve great things for our region,” she said.
The new plan includes a refreshed vision, purpose and values that reflect the heart of the community:
Vision: Cassowary Coast – the most liveable tropical community
Purpose: Cassowary Coast Regional Council meets the needs of current and future generations through an integration of environmental stewardship, social advancement, and economic prosperity.
Values: Grow our own, be courageous, make it better, accountable to our community, and work smarter.
The plan describes how the council will deliver on the big goals that matter to the community.
It outlines the services and projects it will focus on, the resources needed, and the outcomes to achieve.
The report said with the plan the council was committed “to improving how we work and communicate, ensuring we stay accountable to the Cassowary Coast community. The plan will be reviewed yearly to ensure it aligns with our community’s priorities”.
The 2024 Community Scorecard Report, which helped shape the plan, is now also available.
To learn more about the 2025-2030 plan for the future, visit