
General News

15 July, 2021

Putting the edge on quality and service

ROD Leaver of Edge Hill Butchery already maintains a strong ethic for service and quality which he is proud of and says he believes customers are returning to the smaller businesses to genuinely support their local food stores.

Putting the edge on quality and service - feature photo

Increasingly, people want to know more about where the food they are eating comes from, how it is raised and treated.

“Is it grass-fed, natural, where does it come-from, these are all questions we can answer,” said Mr Leaver.

He and his wife Julie take pride in their award-winning store, where they and their qualified staff offer the regular service of cutting customers’ steaks or other meats to a specific thickness as requested or needed for certain recipes.

They make a point of bringing in some of the country’s best meat, such as grass-fed beef and lamb from Tasmania, and Borrowdale free-range pork from the Darling Downs.

Mr Leaver, who employs one apprentice and is thinking of taking on another, said the business knows how important it is to be able to provide jobs to the area as well.

“Covid has actually made a difference to us,” said Mr Leaver. “Customers come to us because they know we can give them a great quality cut of meat, sliced or cut to their liking.

“I’ll say we’re a destination shop. Covid has actually meant more people are supporting their local small businesses and we really appreciate their support”, he said.

“We really feel it’s about getting shoppers to change their routine (of getting everything in a supermarket). People do notice a taste and quality difference when they buy from us.”

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