10 May, 2024
‘Shark attack’ at arts centre
ERTH’S Shark Dive immersive and interactive experience at the Cairns Children’s Festival will get kiddies to the depths of the ocean to meet nature’s greatest predator – the great white shark.
Next weekend – on May 18 and 19 – at the Tanks Arts Centre, Cairns’ children will live an experience like no other with Erth’s Shark Dive, the first shark dive where you don’t need diving experience and you won’t get wet.
Imagined and created by NSW’s company Erth Visual and Physical, Erth’s Shark Dive will keep families at the edge of their seat with a very realistic, interactive and theatrical experience that will get children learning more about the one of the ocean’s most misunderstood predators, the great white shark.
Shark Dive artistic director and creator Scott Wright said it was a very unique and realistic experience.
“Shark Dive is an experience where we send our audience into a decompression chamber where they are inducted and from there they go into a shark tank in a locked shark cage,” he said.
“For the time that they’re there, they’re surrounded by a great white shark that swims around the cage. During that experience they will wear headphones which will give them a choice on what kind of soundtrack to listen to – either play it safe or take a risk.”
Mr Wright said that having been participants of previous Cairns Children’s Festival, they wanted to bring something new and fresh.
“Sharks are amazing, and beautiful, and I feel that they’ve suffered a lot from films like Jaws and media where sharks are made out to be the bad guys, so I wanted to make a show where people would get to experience something that they wouldn’t otherwise,” he said.
“Coming face to face with one of the largest predator in the ocean is thrilling but also beautiful.
“There’s a lot to be said about how we connect to the natural world and this experience will allow you to marvel at them and appreciate their role in the ecosystem.
“Cairns loves us, we’ve been at the Children’s Festival with our dinosaur show before and now we want to bring something closer to our time.
“Children in FNQ – more than any part of Australia – are very aware of our sharks, so we want them to reflect on how they live in this environment.”
To book the Shark Dive Experience, visit www.ticketlink.com.au