

27 June, 2024

Solution to blocked gutters

A SOLUTION to blocked gutters and birds nesting in gutter corners is at hand.

Steve Porter of Gutter Guard with his product. Right: The installed Gutter Guard, blocked gutters and unblocking gutters.
Steve Porter of Gutter Guard with his product. Right: The installed Gutter Guard, blocked gutters and unblocking gutters.

NQ All-Clear distributor Steve Porter said All-Clear Gutter Guard fitted to gutters was a permanent gutter protection system that will keep gutters and downpipes clear of leaves, nesting birds and other vermin for years to come, making the hazardous job of being up a ladder a thing of the past. 

“No more cleaning leaves, mud and grime out of your gutters, along with the cuts, abrasions, and possible serious injury or worse from falling,” he said.

“It is a past-time that’s more dangerous the older we get – I speak from painful experience.

“All-Clear Gutter Guard Protection is the quality permanent fix against blocked gutters.

“Made from tough long lasting Australian BlueScope steel or long-lasting aluminium mesh, the gutter guard lets the rain in and keeps the leaves, nesting birds and other vermin out. 

“The product comes complete with a long-written manufacturer’s warranty and will stop your gutters and downpipes rusting out sooner, as the gutters drain properly.

“Mynah bird and sparrow infestation bring in nesting rubbish and bird-lice – it can be a health hazard to you and your family.  

“Also blocked gutters are an ideal breeding ground for mosquitos and other insects – a big health problem after heavy rain or flooding. 

“Other pests such as rats and snakes are often found in gutters or roof cavities trying to prey on birds’ nests. 

“These creatures are fine out in the bush but not the best things to have in your roof or gutters. 

“All-Clear gutter protection will permanently keep them all out of your gutters and roof for good.

“If you drink water from a tank, our gutter guards are a must, along with a good ‘first-flush unit’ as water will drain into your tank, clean and free of any animal droppings and organic roof bric-a-brac.

“A much bigger problem in southern areas, the metal gutter guards give extra protection against fire-embers, in the dry season. It can, lessen your insurance premiums in some cases.”

Mr Porter said since no two houses were the same, his team was able to give an obligation-free quote on site.

Call All-Clear Gutter Guard NQ on 1800 100 525 or Mr Porter on 0400 724 278.

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