23 September, 2023
‘Step back in time’ festival was enjoyed by 5000 people
THOUSANDS gathered last weekend at Bill Wakeham Park for the 59th Babinda Harvest Festival to celebrate the rural favour of the sugar town.
With the theme ‘step back in time’, this year’s festival celebrated the rural uniqueness and history of the town with events that everyone knows and loves like the grand parade, the Munro St shopfront vintage decorating and the crowning of the Harvest Festival Queen.
Harvest Festival marketing manager Susan Cooper said that participants enjoyed the festival to the fullest.
“We had 5000 people in attendance which aligns with past year’s attendance,” she said.
“This year, the vintage machinery display and the tractor pull were bigger than usual so the rural side of the festival it’s really growing. “We’ve had comments on our Facebook page saying this is one of the best grand parades we’ve had in the last few years.”
In the annual tradition, a Harvest Festival Queen was also crowned.
“We congratulate our 2023 Harvest Queen this year Caitlin Kruckow and Miss Community Spirit Wypaan Ambrum,” Ms Cooper said.
Many more winners were crowned on the night like the Snowballs team who took the first place in the tug of war, and Babinda Real Estate who won best decorated premises for the Munro St competition, while St Rita’s School won most outstanding float at the grand parade.
“Everyone put in a great effort this year. We’d like to especially thank our volunteers and we’re looking forward to our diamond jubilee next year. We’re hoping to come back even bigger and better,” Ms Cooper said.