

1 February, 2024

Teacher aide, who goes beyond the call of duty, is citizen of year

A TORRES Strait Islander woman passionate about improving the outcomes for children is the 2024 Cairns citizen of the year.

Citizen of year Jacqui Backhouse.
Citizen of year Jacqui Backhouse.

Jacqui Backhouse was given the honour yesterday in recognition of more than 30 years of helping at-risk children.

At a time when most people are enjoying retirement, Ms Backhouse has continued to commit her time and efforts to supporting students and their families, primarily through her role as a teacher aide.

Engaged in the role at several schools in Cairns for the past 30 years, she guides and mentors troubled and high-risk youths, including some who display anti-social behaviours and struggle with long-term issues at home and at school.

She was one of several honoured at yesterday’s Cairns citizen of the year awards.

Affectionately called Auntie Jacqui by some, Miss Jacqui by others, and sometimes simply Jacqui, she is a proud Torres Strait Islander woman who generously shares her culture and knowledge, and who has demonstrated an ability to connect with these young people.

Her journey with Education Queensland started in 1993, as a volunteer at the former Cairns North State School.

Since then, Ms Backhouse has been involved in numerous activities across many schools, including Cairns West, Whitfield and Edge Hill state schools. Her dedication to children extends well beyond the remit of teacher aide.

Yazmin Rivett was named Cairns young citizen of the year, acknowledging her commitment to addressing the educational disparities experienced by some school students.

The volunteer of the year  is Carol Mills, who has been a  driving force for positive change in the Cairns community through her extensive volunteer work and influential leadership within the public housing sector, her commitments extend across various organisations, including FNQ Legacy, Cairns RSL Sub-Branch, the Naval Graves Project, Access Housing, and as chairman of Queensland Housing Commission.

Australian softball representative Hirari Kurihara was named sportsperson of the year, acknowledging her success on the field, as well as her dedication to coaching and developing junior participants. 

Junior sportsperson of the year was Rhiannon Forbes, who has made outstanding contributions to young women in sport, in particular through hockey.

Kalan Gosper was presented with a highly commended award in the young sportsperson of the year category. Born with cerebral palsy, he has competed with able bodied students in many sports, such as soccer, touch football, and cricket, and has enjoyed success in track and field as well as cross country. 

Recipient of the cultural award of the year was Maureen Cameron for her contribution over the past 20 years to the local music community, while Joyce Swinton was given a lifetime achievement award for her philanthropy, which has helped to improve healthcare in the Far North.


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