

26 March, 2023

Township’s past on show

A SERIES of photographs, cultural objects, history boards and drawings depicting Mission Beach from the 1890s to 1950s has opened at the coastal town.

By Cairns Local News Team

Echo of the Past is the Mission Beach Historical Society’s inaugural exhibition. 

Society president Dr Valerie Boll said the display was a series of historic photographs (portraits, landscapes, social events and work life scenes), a slide show of photos, Djiru cultural objects, history boards designed by Peter Kellett and a series of drawings about the Hull River Aboriginal Settlement by Michael Daly. 

“They provide an insight in the diverse early history of Mission Beach and (the launch) coincided with the anniversary of a (deadly) 1918 cyclone on March 10,” she said. 

The exhibition is at the Art, Print, Frame Gallery, Mission Beach (1/12 Stephens St), until April 14, 9am to 3.30pm, Tuesday to Friday. 

A selection of various photos as digital prints or posters are available to buy. 

Contact MBHS at


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