27 November, 2021
Unicef Australia Young Ambassador
UNICEF Australia celebrated World Children’s Day (20 November) with the selection of Young Ambassadors 2022, including 18-year-old Harrison Oates from Kewarra Beach.

Harrison, named 2021’s Cairns Young Citizen of the Year for his contributions to the wellbeing of young people in his community, was chosen to join the group of 12 Young Ambassadors (ages 15 to 24) from around the country to participate in the 12-month program for aspiring young leaders.
The newly elected Young Ambassador Harrison intends to use this platform to give voice to the voiceless.
“I am very humbled to have this opportunity. I’ve always been passionate about making sure that people’s voices are heard because I’ve been fortunate to have people around me who care about what I think but I know that not everyone has that opportunity,” the 18-yearold said.
“Too often, those in positions of power belittle young people, - they’re too young, they don’t have experience, once they’re in the real world they’ll change their minds- but young people aren’t going away, and we have a right and a responsibility to help build the future because we are the future.”
“I hope that we are successful in bringing young people’s voices to the front and centre of the national conversation,” he said.
In 2022, Harrison will lead nationwide consultations with young Australians, co-design policy responses, and present recommendations to politicians in Canberra.
UNICEF Australia Child & Youth Engagement Manager Angus Lonergan congratulated Harrison on securing a position in the program.
“There are enormous issues facing children and young people globally, so it has never been more pertinent for young Australians to learn how to engage with public policy design.
“This program provides our 12 Young Ambassadors for 2022 with the opportunity to meet key decision-makers in government and other stakeholder groups to influence change,” he said.
UNICEF Australia CEO Tony Stuart said the Young Ambassadors program gives young people the opportunity to speak up for a fair Australia.
“For 75 years, all over the globe, UNICEF has been advocating for children’s views to be included in the policies that affect their lives,” he said.
“The UNICEF Australia Young Ambassador program is designed to inspire and empower young people through the network of the 12 we have selected from around the nation.”