3 March, 2025
Urgent recycling appeal
CAIRNS’ residents are being urged to think carefully about what ends up in their kerbside bin to improve the level of recycling and minimise the impact of waste on the environment.

Last month’s fire at the Bedminster Advanced Resource Recovery Facility (ARRF) has resulted in an increase in waste being trucked to the Springmount landfill, just outside Mareeba.
A council spokesman said with the facility no longer operational, the opportunity to further improve waste management became even more important.
“Currently, 14 per cent of material going to waste could be recycled,” he said.
“In fact, more than 7000 tonnes of recyclable materials in Cairns are being thrown in the wrong bin and ending up in landfill each year. It’s wasteful, costly and bad for the environment.”
Mayor Amy Eden said the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) was fully operational and encouraged all residents to place recyclable material into their yellow lid bin so it can be recycled and reused.
“Recycling is a practical and simple way that residents can help to reduce the amount of trucks being sent up the Kuranda Range road to dispose of waste at the Springmount landfill,” she said.