13 December, 2023
$10,000 for pet shelter
DESPITE a last-minute venue change, Sunday’s Rock ‘n’ Roar for Paws event involved more than 100 people at a charity concert at The Anthill Hotel, with the total money raised increasing to $10,000.

Almost $3000 was raised in 10 hours, bringing the total amount raised to $10,000 following the previous Saturday’s event at Cairns Yacht Squadron.
The concert featured local artists and DJs, such as Jessie K, Elani Butler, Pearl Modric, Marty Bell, The Atherton Hotshots, Wind and Wood, Poundcake, Spare Tyre Politics, MC Yen, Jeremy Fletcher, Tinderbox, and DJ Rizon, as well as local teenage band General Sherman.
Event organiser Te Iria Ketu said “given that these two events were organised and advertised only six weeks ago says a lot”.
“Both about what my team are capable of, as well as the way our communities and local businesses came together in such a short amount of time,” she said. “I’m grateful for having a great team onboard to bring my vision together.”
“But most of all, I’m grateful for the musicians and DJs involved that donated their time to the cause.
“Without them, this wouldn’t have been able to happen.”