22 October, 2023
Warnings as bat breeding season starts in the Far North
IT’S flying fox breeding season in Far North Queensland and public health authorities want everyone to know some simple tips.
Tropical Public Health Services director Dr Richard Gair (right) said the good news was that flying foxes and other bats were important native animals and helped with pollination and controlling insect pests.
“The bad news is that many people don’t like them and complain about noise and smell around roosting and breeding sites,” he said.
“Councils can sometimes help if bats are creating a nuisance.
“So far this year, there have been 23 people either bitten or scratched by bats, who have required medical treatment.
“Fear of bats was not justified if they were left alone. Not touching bats is essential because their complex immune systems tolerate viruses that can make other animals or people sick. The big disease is Australian Bat Lyssavirus (ABLV) which is bat rabies. Anyone bitten or even scratched by a bat need a series of injections to prevent a potentially fatal illness.
“Any species of bat may be carrying ABLV and the bat may look normal.
Bats are very cute up close, so people want to rescue them.
“During breeding season, you are more likely to find fallen pups or sick or injured bats, often stuck on a wire fence.
“They will bite straight through gloves or a towel, so don’t risk it.
“Call a trained and vaccinated wildlife carer to help.
“Our message is simple: don’t touch a bat. Any type of bat, adult, or pup, sick or well, dead or alive.
“Keep children away too. It’s just like snakes: protected native animals, but you wouldn’t pick them up.
“Anyone bitten or scratched by a bat should immediately wash the wound, apply antiseptic and seek urgent medical care.”
Your local doctor or health facility can arrange for any vaccinations required.
For rescues: look up wildlife carers for your area.
For health advice: call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84)